Sunday, January 18, 2009


I thought I was in the midst of a Pyric victory, but found there is no such word. What I had meant was Pyrrhic. A victory from an ancient war lost. But no, I hadn’t meant that either, as I had no soldiers to burn but myself on a pyre of my own making.
I am smoldering in the night.


Verses written when I’m drunk,
Attract no admiration when sung.

What I want to know is did Lu Tsun-i’ s dream at the end of Water Margin indicate an awareness, an acknowledgment, of the spiraling vortex of murder rape and general injustice that the 108 heroes of Liang Shan Po created and gloried in in their pursuit of survival, righteousness and harmony under heaven?

Or is it pointless to even wonder?


Shi Naian, you old fucker you.